2019 Dividend Final Recap

 This post will finish off the dividend report for 2019. The last two months of November and December will be discussed in this post.  As mentioned earlier you will notice a slight decrease in the growth of the dividends.  This is all due to me selling some assets in my TFSA.  I did this to pay off some debts as I felt uncertain about where prime interest rates were headed given the upcoming federal election.  And the headwinds in my opinion that the Canadian investment community would be facing regarding a number of issues one of them being the Oil & Gas Industry.  So with that in mind I decided to take some profits off the table and use them to pay down some debt on loans that were marginally less in interest than what I was getting in dividends.

Above as you can see is the year as a whole so for 2019 my total dividends received was $3953.89 so a little better than $350.00/month on average. While no great amount I am happy with it and consider it a good start with which to build upon. I look forward to 2020 and the challenges it may bring and even if there is some weakness in the markets that will also be the time to add to some already existing positions or find other great companies that are undervalued.
That concludes my dividend posts for 2019 I hope you all have enjoyed seeing what reinvesting dividends and staying focused can achieve and also as a side note the beauty of utilizing the TFSA which I will discuss more in the next post. Till our ISP’s cross again cheers from GWF 🙂