Dividend 2021 income update, first off I would like to apologize for not posting in awhile. This summer has been crazy with trying to travel as restrictions ease and take our kids back to where my wife is from. It was very good to take them there and see their grandmother. Numbers for Covid seem to be climbing back up again as lots of places in Canada here seem to be experiencing a 4th wave. So we will see what that brings.

Similarly my dividend 2021 income continue to climb as well which in times like these sure is a light at the end of the tunnel kind of feeling. I always reinvest my dividends which allows for less commissions by using DRIP’s(Dividend Re Investment Plans). Typically your financial institution will allow you to synthetically DRIP companies you are invested in. Every dividend payment if big enough will then buy a whole share or more.

When comparing dividend 2021 income this year to the same time period as last year it looks like this up to this point in 2020 I had received $3056.87 this year up to end of August I have received $3804.19 some of this is due to more money invested but also reinvesting every dividend I did receive to buy more shares to make the next dividend payment received bigger from each company held.

Combine this with companies that also routinely increase their dividend payments then it really starts to make a difference thanks to the wonder of compounding!!!. Below is a snapshot on a monthly basis to help illustrate the trend upwards. Would love to hear your own story and thoughts on DRIPS and experiences investing in dividend stocks.

Till next round cheers from GWF 🙂

2021 Dividend Income