Good evening it is the weekend, and as I was reflecting on this past week, one of the highlights was going outside of my usual safety net investing wise. After spending the past couple months looking at Marijuana stocks I was noticing a theme with a few of them, even though they have been volatile as of late some seem to show some consistent levels of support at their recent lows.
So I decided to pick one that showed the most consistency of support at it’s lowest levels and buy in. Upon confirming the order had went through I then put in a sell order for a modest gain. After work in the evening I decided to log in and see what had happened and was pleasantly surprised. My sell order had been filled as well and I was up a few hundred dollars thanks to the buzz on Marijuana currently so I sold out of my position.
Now normally this is something I wouldn’t do being the buy and hold type investor that I am. But I have been toying with the idea of taking a small percentage of my portfolio and taking a little more risk with it. Again I don’t think this is for everybody, at this point I am not sure this is a permanent strategy that I want in my arsenal of building wealth either. As with all things time will tell, and I will be sure to share my experiences with you good or bad.
Good night from GWF 🙂